UPDATE – The last Few Months Have Been Rather Busy

The last few months have been rather busy with little time spare to devote to maintaining this blog. For the most part I have been travelling and have either been out and about photographing, or sitting in airports waiting for flights with too much equipment!
During the final weeks of September last year I photographed Spirit Bears in British Columbia; this was followed by a week in the Tasmanian bush photographing the Devil Task Force as they worked a disease front line. Soon after, in late October and November I was high tailing it to the high Arctic to photograph polar bears. December was spent in Tasmania with several forays to the north and west of the state to photograph the nocturnal habits of the Tasmanian devil – a continuing project. Christmas was short-lived as I prepared for an 8-day trip to a deserted rock in Bass Strait to photograph penguins and albatross. This was immediately followed by a 13-day trip to both islands in New Zealand to photograph more albatross, gannets, hooker sea lions and the yellow-eyed penguin.
The next few months will be spent in Hobart with little travel (other than Tasmania) which will provide an opportunity to catch up on my blog, website, and to sort and post process images captured since September last year. Although nothing is really planned field wise at the moment, several ideas are taking shape and will be put into action after April.

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