Update 2012-2013

It's been a few months since I last posted to this blog, however, the elapsed time has not been spent idle. There just hasn't been enough free time to actively post to the Blog.
During September I spent an extended time in central Australia photographing fossils and other animals. This time was spent camping from my four wheel drive and visiting parts of Australia rarely visited by others. I was fortunate and privileged to be able to receive access to this area. Several journal posts and photographs will be posted in the near future.
In November and December I spent time in North Sulawesi, the most northern province of Indonesia. Much of the time was spent SCUBA diving the remote reefs and photographing the creatures that inhabit them. I also spent a short time in the un-logged and pristine tropical rainforests in the Kingdom of Brunei. This will also be documented in a journal post in due course.
2013 Projects
A number of projects are on the horizon this year - some paid and others freelance. Locally, I am still involved in the Tasmania Devil Project photographing the Tasmanian Devil. In addition to this project, I'm also involved with another conservation agency supplying imagery.
I strive to use correct grammar and spelling (English/Australian spelling) when writing my posts, however, there always seem to be "gremlins" that creep in here and there no matter how many times I proof read a document!

Reader Comments (1)
Interesting trip. I'm keen to hear about the fossils and learn how you photographed them. I've seen some of your photographs and they are very nice. I also like the way you are so humble when it comes to your ability. Others seem to bloat themselves to amazing sizes when it comes to ability.