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Hello - Welcome. The purpose of this site is to document my experiences photographing wildlife and nature throughout Australia and abroad.  I hope you find the content interesting and educational, and the images  cause you to reflect on how important it is preserve natural places and their inhabitants.

All wildife has been photographed in the wild and animals are NOT captive or living in enclosures.

For me photography of the natural world is more than just pretty settings and cuddly animal photos. It's a concern for the environment and the earth all living creatures must share.

Note that images appearing in journal posts are often not optimally processed due to time constraints.

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Entries by Iain Williams (147)


FIGAS - Not A Swear Word - Falkland Islands

The easiest and quickest method to get around in the Falkland Islands is to charter the small red coloured, short take off and landing aircraft used by the Falkland Islands Air Services (FIGAS), which services many of the islands on a regular basis.  These aircraft are literally two engines and load space commanded by some of best bush pilots on the planet.  The weather in the Falkland's can be fickle, but these planes seem to always fly in conditions that other mainstream pilots would shy away from.  I can remember quite a few crosswind landing approaches in which the offset angle to the dirt strip was in the order of 25 degrees and the wind gusting 30 knots!.  LEFT:  FIGAS Britten Norman Islander aircraft meets with Land Rover for resupply.


Southern Elephant Seals, Falkland Islands - 2nd Post

This is my second post regarding my trip to the Falklands.  To read the earlier post navigate here.

LEFT:  Young female Southern Elephant Seal plays with her flipper as she watches photographer.

Southern Elephant Seals (Mirounga leomina) are the largest of the seals, with a marked difference in size between the male, growing up 3700 kg (5-7 metres long), and the female, growing 500-800 kg (2-4 metres long).  The male has a distinctive proboscis that is fully developed by the eighth or ninth year.  The male’s nose, when inflated, acts as a resonating chamber to produce a deafening roar. 

Elephant Seals are found throughout the Southern Ocean, although the seals from the South Atlantic stock do not freely mix and breed with those from Macquarie Island, the New Zealand subantarctic islands or the islands in the South Indian Ocean.  A renown diver, elephant seals have been known to dives to depths between 400 and 600 meters for a duration between 20-30 minutes in their pursuit of fish, octopus and squid. 

Click here to read about their Northern Hemisphere close cousin the Northern Elephant Seal.

LEFT:  A young female Southern Elephant Seal rolls onto its back and  "barks". 

Multiple Insemination

Elephant seal males reach sexual maturity at around 10 years of age and preside over a harem of 1 to 30 females.  There are more male elephant seals than females and not every male will breed; only the very best fighters and defenders of their harem will pass along their genes to the next generation.  The dominant male is called a “Beach Master” or “Lead Seal” and his task is very simple – to breed as many times as possible with the females in his harem.  A successful male will inseminate up to 100 cows (female seals) in a season.  When not breeding, he is fighting off rival males which continuously swim along the shoreline seeking a break into his defence line and replace him.

Fighting Rivals

Fighting between males can be a noisy and bloody affair with the lesser male usually retreating before sustaining permanent or debilitating injuries.  However, this is not always the case and if a Lead Seal is beaten by a stronger rival, injuries are apparent from torn noses and puncture marks to disgorged eyes.  Whilst the fighting occurs, females and new-born young scurry to keep out of the way and it’s not uncommon to observe young pups being crushed as males fight each other, oblivious to their surroundings.  It’s difficulty to translate the immense strength that these animals convey as they hurl themselves at each other.

Life as a Cow is not Pleasant

Life as a cow is not overly pleasant.  In October, pregnant cows haul out onto beaches and rocky foreshores, plump from feeding at sea.  A male will often include the cow in his harem and then spend the next few months mating or attempting to mate with her along with other cows (before or after birth).  Once a cow has given birth, it will feed its pup a very rich high protein milk designed to put as much blubber onto the youngster as possible.  Once the calves are weaned, the mother seal will return to the ocean to feed before returning in January to moult.  Moulting can take several weeks and during this time the skin of the seal peels off similar to a bad case of sunburn.  Males moult about a month after females.

LEFT:  Elephant seals do not form family units, but often lie together for warmth or protection from the environment.

Photographing the Elephant Seals

Photographing the elephant seals can be challenging.  For the most part the seals are not aggressive and if you maintain a reasonable distance they ignore you.  But, if you venture too close you are liable to be charged by a Lead Seal, or be exposed to a large jaw filled with long canine-like sharp teeth, to warn you of your incursion. 

For the most part, unless working in very low light or at the outskirts of a colony, I don’t use a tripod when photographing seals.  The main reason for this is that setting up a tripod can be costly in time, raises yourself above the ground substantially which maybe taken as an aggressive posture, and limits your freedom of movement.  Unless shooting extreme wide angle close ups using a 16-35 f2.8 zoom lens, I use a 70-200 f2.8 zoom lens.  The zoom gives the added advantage of being able maintain your position.  If further reach is required, a 1.4 tele-converter can be added to the 70-200.  The benefits of the shorter lens and no tripod translate to being able to turn and manoeuvre much more quickly than with a tripod; often this is the difference between getting a shot and missing it.  Further, if you are charged, you can retreat much more quickly without carrying a tripod.

LEFT:  Female Southern Elephant Seal rests on beach seemingly ambivalent to the 40 knot wind and entrained sand.

The seals stay on the beach no matter what the environmental conditions.  I observed a small group of cows lying beside each other in chilly 40 knot winds!  They raised their heads long enough to see that I wasn’t a threat – or a male Lead Seal. 

Shooting in these conditions can be very problematic.  The strong winds make using a tripod difficult due to vibration, and the entrained sand in the wind continually sandblasts your equipment. In conditions such as this it’s imperative that you pre-visualise your image before actually shooting it;  It isn’t possible to change a lens for a different focal point, unless you want a sensor and lens full of sand.  Furthermore, a cover such as storm cover is highly advised to minimise the amount of sand that finds its way into every recess in your lens and camera. 

I like elephant seals, and what's not to like.  Their large sad-looking eyes just attract you and it's difficult to remember that these are wild animals without any emotive interest in you wbatsoever. I can spend hours lying beside them, watching and listening as they go about their daily routine.  The longer you spend with an individual or group, the more relaxed they become, and although your not a seal (I hope not a female), you do feel accepted as an honorary member of the harem.

Click here to see more images of elephant seals and other seal species

Click here to read more about the southern Elephant Seal.

In my next post we’ll look at some of the penguins that call the Falklands home.


Super Moon

I was spending the evening photographing Tasmanian Devils when I noticed this massive moon in the sky.  It was brighter and larger than normal.  It was only then that I remembered that tonight was the night when the moon was in super perigee phase.

LEFT:  An exceptionally bright moon set against a pitch black sky (Canon 700mm & 1D-MKIV - 1/125 @ f9 - no cropping)

A moon in super perigee phase is the closest distance that the moon is to the earth.  Therefore, it is brighter & larger.  The moon was only visible for a short time due to cloud cover.  Pity, as it would have been nice to obtain a foreground subject with the moon in the background.

Still, it was a nice evening without urban light pollution to witness an astronomical event that occurs rarely.  The last super moon was in 1993 and the next event will be in 2029. 

Set your calendars!


March is Breeding Time for Tasmanian Devils

Many of you know that I spend quite a bit of time seeking out Tasmanian Devils (Sarcophilus harrisii) attempting to gain suitable photographs of nocturnal devils for the Devil Task Force, the branch of the Tasmania Government assigned with the task of protecting and conserving the devil.

Whilst there is never a perfect photograph, my collection of devil photographs is slowing increasing as I spend many of my evenings in the field.  I thought I’d quickly share with you one of the latest images of a night-time devil.

One aspect which is a little different is the rear leg held upright with the pad exposed. At the time when I took the photograph I didn't notice this.

ABOVE:  Tasmanian Devil (Sarcophilus harrisii).  The yawn or open mouth is NOT an aggressive threat posture, but a warning signal that either I or another devil is getting too close - it's a way for the animal to communicate “keep your distance” without entering into an actual fight. 

At some stage, I'll write a post outlining how I photograph the devils at night.  It isn't as straight forward as you may think and it's taken considerable time to perfect my technique using multiple flash units.

Breeding Season

At the moment the devils are a little skittish as we are entering into the mating season.  Many sexually mature female devils are deep within the confines of a den involved in other nocturnal affairs.  During the breeding season, males will fight over females in an attempt to gain individual mating rights, and in an attempt to ensure their mate’s infidelity (and maintain his genetic line), keep their chosen female in custody within the den.   Often you will observe a male devil literally dragging a female along with him as he leaves the den to drink or eat.  Copulation is not a “do and run” deed with devils and often can take five days to complete.  The reason for this lengthy period of time is that the female  devil ovulates up to three times in a 21 day period.    Devils are not monogamous and females may mate with several males if left unprotected, fighting off younger “lesser” males in an attempt to only allow the stronger male to reproduce with her.

Time is Always lacking...

It seems there’s always a shortage of time for everybody these days and unfortunately I’m not an exception; not as many images as I’d like to, get uploaded to the website or to stock.

To read more on the Tasmanian Devil - read my earlier post.


Photo of the Month - Updated

Every month I attempt to upload a photograph I have taken that helps show the beauty of the natural world, and hopefully instill a reason for us to conserve remaining natural areas and protect them for over exploitation.

Click the Photo of the Month tab above to view February and March images.

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